In two weeks I will be the "guest" reader for our grade 2 & 3 family reading night. Our assistant principal will take the parents to another room for half an hour and give them reading tips while I read to the kids. Then we will all get back together and the families will have the chance to enjoy reading together over milk and cookies provided by the PTO. Pretty simple, huh?
My job today was to go to the library and pick out a couple of picture books to read to the kids. I have decided that there are too many choices! I asked the children's librarian to recommend a few new picture books for me to choose from. I think she thought I was nuts. I just could not choose 2 or 3. I have 13 on my stack next to my couch. I probably would have had a few more, but 13 was hard enough to carry.
Did you know that Maurice Sendak has a new book out? And Eric Litwin has a new Pete the Cat book? Olivia's Birds has a great message. And so does Extra Yarn. And the list could go on until I have all 13. How will I ever choose?
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