I have been singing "ladybug, ladybug fly away home" for the last week or so. We have had 11 days in a row of record breaking warm temperatures. It honestly feels more like July than March in my area. The birds are singing, the daffodils are blooming, and the trees are budding. AND the ladybugs are back.
We purchased replacement windows for our home two years ago. I love the windows, but the installers must have trapped a ladybug or two or one hundred two in the new living room windows and wall. Ever since we replaced the windows we have had ladybugs during warm weather. They crawl up the windows, they fly through the living room, they hang out on the ceiling, and they gather around my favorite reading light.
I am starting to think that they did fly away home--to my home!
Um...no they are in my home too...and there are no new windows nearby!