Tuesday, May 22, 2012

SLOW Reading

" To read slowly is to maintain an intimate relationship with a writer." 
                                                      Thomas Newkirk

I am currently reading two books.  One for pleasure.  I am actually re-reading it.  It was so good and yet I got to the end and wonderful if I had missed some of the nuances of the story the first time through.  The other book I am reading is Thomas Newkirk's The Art of SLOW Reading.  His book resonates in so many ways and reminds me to be intentional about reading and rereading.


  1. What a great quote. I think I'll add it to my notebook. Happy reading!

  2. I find myself slowing down so I won't finish a book too quickly and have to leave that world. I love living in a book!

  3. On so many books, I find myself rushing to get to the end and then I'm disappointed in the ending. Other times, I savor every chapter and want the book never to end. And then there are the times when I re-read the same paragraph 3 times and finally "get it".

  4. What's the other book you are reading?!? I am intrigued...

    1. I am hooked on Robyn Carr's Virgin River series. I am reading Sunrise Point. I like series stories and enjoy the way Carr makes her characters strong and yet believable.

  5. Interesting quote! I have recently started reading slowly, too. I'm naturally a fast reader, but I'm realizing that when you're in a good book, it's nice to live inside of it for a while. I find that I savor books, stretching out the reading, reflecting and responding in between, and squeezing every ounce of goodness out til I get to the last drop.


  6. I too want to know the other book you're re-reading! We readers always want to know the title! I have heard of the Newkirk book. Perhaps it will be a good summer read, when I can go more slowly! Thanks!
