Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3 days till Break

How is it that some days seem to last longer than others?  Days that we anticipate often seem to take a long time to get here, but then fly by?  We have three more school days until Spring Break.  The days are dragging and seem to last forever.  I think the snowy cold weather makes this worse than usual.  It's cold.  It's snowy.  Winter seems unwilling to leave and Spring feels a long way off.  Just 3 days till Break.


  1. This cold snowy weather is certainly disappointing! I hope the weather improves and the rest of the week begins to fly by. Enjoy your break.

  2. Time has a way of passing in just the way we hope it won't. Try to enjoy the slowly unfolding last days until break. You may find something wonderful in the process.

  3. Isn't that interesting that the same 24 hours feels so variable. I agree the weather does not help anything. We still have a ground cover of snow. I am bracing myself for the next storm. Some of our biggest has been in April. Have a wonderful vacation!

  4. Your vacation appears to start the same time as mine. Just saw the weather report for the weekend: sunshine!!!! Hope yours will be sunny as well!
