Thursday, March 1, 2012

As the deer...

Today as my husband arrived home, he called out," Honey. hurry to the bedroom and look out the window."  We watched a herd of deer run across our yard, through the field, and into the woods down the road.  Our dog, Sable, barked wildly as they passed by.  The joys of country living!  Most days it really is a joy to live out in the country in my rural Indiana county.  It is not unusual to watch the deer go by, although a group of fourteen is a bit larger than normal.  We often see wild turkeys too.  As the deer ran by I was reminded of the joys of country living.


  1. No matter where I go in the world, I'm always happy to return to Indiana. Thanks for sharing this glimpse of your world.

  2. I wish I could have been there to see the site. I love seeing deer, as long as they are away from my car.
