Monday, March 19, 2012

It's the small things

Are you one of those people who wash/rinse your dishes before running them through the dishwasher?  I just caught a Consumer Report on the evening news that says it is a waste of time, water, and energy!  Yay!! I feel validated.

My mother-in-law refuses to own a dishwasher because "I would have to clean the dishes off first anyway."  Her comments have always made me feel a bit lazy.  I have owned a dishwasher (my current model is my third) for years.  I love having a dishwasher.  I do rinse off gravy and cheese if I am not going to run the dishwasher for a few days since I have found those can be a problem.  I do scrape off food scraps before I put things in the dishwasher, but forget that rinsing them clean.  I just don't do it.

And now Consumer Reports say that I am right.  Hooray!!!  It's the small things that create joy in my life.


  1. Really? Interesting. I rinse almost all my dishes. Mostly I think because I don't trust my dishwasher to get anything clean (why do I have one then?). I may need to rethink things and save myself some time!

  2. One of the few things I rinse is the oatmeal bowl! I've never been a fan of rinsing everything, but I've always been a vocal minority in my family. Nice to be validated by Consumer Reports. Now we can attribute our lack of rinsing to our green consciousness. Thanks for sharing.
