Thursday, March 8, 2012

Seven Defining Events

One of my colleagues recently said she had watched a Dr. Phil episode where someone talked about each person having seven defining moments that chnaged the course of their life.  She rhetorically asked, "Can you come up with seven events?"  I have been thinking.

Some events came quickly to my mind...

My parents divorce when I was 13
The college choice I made (I turned down a full ride scholarship to go somewhere else.)
Marrying my wonderful husband of nearly 35 years
Moving back to my hometown

Other are harder to choose.  Just seven.  Hmm...

What events stand out as life changing choices?

The birth of each of our boys? 
The birth of each of my two living grandchildren?
The choice not to get an administrative degree?
The slow death of my mother  due to cancer?
The recent stillbirth of my second granddaughter followed three weeks later by the passing of my father? 

Are there other events, other choices which will reveal themselves as more significant as the years go by?

Seven defining events.  What stands out in your life? Soemthing significant enough to change the course of your life?


  1. It is an interesting thing to think about. And then to wonder how a change in that event would make your life different.

    Probably my top one would have to be when my family (me, husband, and 2 girls ages 4 and 7) were hit by a drunk driver. You wouldn't think it would be the case but so many positive things came out of that. :)

  2. Hmmm...something to think about. One thing that comes to mind is being on bedrest with my two youngest children (one for 7 weeks, one for 12 weeks). It taught me that I am not in control of everything and I learned how to lean on others. Thanks for sharing your list.
